Finessing a Post-Crop Vignette in Lightroom

Photofocus (old site)

Vignettes are a two edged sword, and many of us fall to their siren song. Vignettes can really make your photographs look masterfully finished, but they can easily be applied too heavily and overshadow the real subject of the image. Right now I’ll show you my favorite way to control Post-Crop Vignettes in the Effects tab.

This article is adapted from our book, Develop Great Images Adobe Photoshop Lightroom available on iTunes and PDF for all devices.

Post-Crop Vignette for the Finished Crop

The name Post-Crop Vignettes used to confuse me, but then I learned that it’s differentiate from the lens vignetting available in the Lens Corrections tab. That vignette is applied always to the original full size image, and if you’ve cropped half the picture away, only half the remaining image will get the vignette. Our Post-Crop Vignette is applied to the image you see, no matter the crop…

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